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US Dollar Fundamental Q1 Forecast: Dollar Advantages Ebb... So Too Will Its Premium?
2022-12-30 16:00:46
After an incredible 5 quarter climb from the US Dollar to two-decade highs, the market suffered its worst three-month retreat since 3Q 2010 over the final stretch of 2022.
S&P 500, USD, Gold: Closing the Books on 2022
2022-12-30 15:01:34
It’s been a banner year for FX volatility, pushed along by a massive trend and its subsequent pullback in the USD.
The Importance of Liquidity in Forex Trading
2022-12-29 12:00:00
The FX market offers more liquidity than other markets, offering traders a unique advantage.
A Guide to GDP and Forex Trading
2022-12-28 12:00:00
Learn why GDP (Gross Domestic Product) economic data is deemed highly significant in the FX market.
Top 2022 Trading Lesson: Don’t fight the Fed – Looking Beyond the Data
2022-12-26 20:00:00
Throughout 2022, the Federal Reserve continued to play a major role in driving financial markets. With Central banks embarking on a journey to strangle monetary supply through restrictive tightening, the phrase ‘don’t fight the Fed’ held true.
Top 2023 Trade: Waiting to Short GBP/USD, UK Economic Headwinds and Technical Hurdles Ahead
2022-12-26 16:00:07
The British Pound has seen a strong recovery to the end of 2022 as PM Sunak and Chancellor Hunt seem to have restored confidence in the UK with prudent fiscal policy measures.
Top 2022 Trading Lesson: Macro Relationships and Technical Chart Patterns
2022-12-26 12:00:00
2022 has been littered with remnants of COVID-19 trauma, political uncertainty and aggressive central banks.
Top 2023 Trade: Short EUR/JPY on Carry Trade Unwind as EU Fundamentals Worsen
2022-12-26 08:00:00
2022 was synonymous with interest rate hikes as central banks fought runaway inflation which has shown signs of moderating in the latter stages of Q4 but remains problematically high.
Top 2022 Trading Lesson: Confirmation Bias and Risk Management
2022-12-26 04:00:00
The Federal Reserve dominated global market moves in 2022 as they finally acknowledged the inflation problem that had been brewing for some time.
Top 2023 Trade: Best Could Well Be Over for USD/SGD
2022-12-26 00:00:41
The Singapore dollar’s multi-year weakness against the US dollar could well be over and it could be set to extend gains in the coming year. How could the trend unfold and what are the signposts to watch?
Top 2022 Trading Lesson: Maintain a Well-Balanced Trading Strategy Using Risk/Reward to Your Advantage
2022-12-25 20:00:00
In 2022, I conducted a study on risk management to see just how important it is to be consistent with your trading strategy.
Top 2023 Trade: US Treasury 2s-10s Yield Curve Inversion to Start to Unwind
2022-12-25 16:00:00
The closely followed US 2s-10s yield curve has been heavily inverted for the best part of six months now as bond markets price in a heavy recession in the US.
Top 2022 Trading Lesson: There Aren’t Many Trades That Make It Through a 20-Point Strategy Checklist
2022-12-25 12:00:00
By nature, I am a more quantitative and risk adverse person. That can be helpful in approaching markets such as evaluating situations and setups from a probabilistic perspective - nothing in markets, as in life, is certain.
Top 2023 Trade: Bearish Stocks, Bearish GBP/JPY
2022-12-25 08:00:45
I don’t think that the bear market is over in stocks yet.
Top 2022 Trading Lesson: Trust in Your Strategy and Analysis – Avoid the Noise
2022-12-25 04:00:00
2022 proved to be quite an eventful year for me personally from a trading perspective.
Top 2023 Trade: Long NZD/USD - Kiwi Backed by Fundamentals as Monetary Policy Reigns
2022-12-25 00:00:34
In the wake of higher interest rates and slowing growth, the safe-haven Dollar gained against most major counterparts before losing traction in Q4.
Top 2022 Trading Lesson: Be Nimble - Trade What the Market Gives You
2022-12-24 20:00:00
This year has been a very exciting one as far as price action is concerned, with no shortage of volatility and strong trending markets.
Top 2023 Trade: Short USD/ZAR - Rand Places Hopes on China Re-Opening and Political Stability
2022-12-24 16:00:25
2023 has much in store for the South African rand after an erratic 2022.
Top 2022 Trading Lesson: Treat targets as a guide, not as a rule.
2022-12-24 12:00:00
“How much upside (or downside)?”; “What’s the target?”; “What is the potential return?” These are some of the questions that come first to mind when assessing a trading opportunity.
Top 2023 Trade: Dow-Nasdaq: Disparity Within Indices May Stretch Again
2022-12-24 08:00:10
The Dow Jones and Nasdaq equity indices have had a decent rally from their October lows but finished down significantly for 2022.
Top 2022 Trading Lesson: Don’t Try and be Clever – Stick to Your Guns
2022-12-24 04:00:00
This year (2022) has been dominated by one theme which has driven all markets, the Federal Reserve finally accepting that inflation had got completely out of their control and that a series of sharp, and regular, rate hikes would be required to bring price pressures under control.
Top 2023 Trade: USD May Pressure CNH in Q1, Eyes on Global Growth
2022-12-24 00:00:17
The US Dollar weakened against the Chinese Yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022, with USD/CNH falling about 2.2% as we approached the middle of December.
Top 2022 Trading Lesson: The Forest and the Trees
2022-12-23 20:00:00
It’s been a riveting year for price action. Bears made a big move in US equities in January and that’s led to a constant push-pull impact through this year.
Top 2023 Trade: Bearish S&P on New Lows, Bearish USDJPY Should Fed Capitulate
2022-12-23 16:00:40
There was a lot of talk around a ‘pivot’ through the end of 2022. Much of that reference was made in regards to the forecast for the Fed and the broader developed world monetary policy environment.
Breaking Down the Santa Claus Rally Using the VIX, MOVE, GVZ and EVZ Indices
2022-12-23 04:00:00
Traders often expect market volatility to cool around Christmas in a “Santa Claus Rally” before rising after. But, looking at the VIX, MOVE, GVZ and EVZ, there appears to be more to it than just that.
Employment: The Key Driver of Economic Growth and Prosperity
2022-12-02 14:30:00
Employment plays a crucial role in driving economic growth for both developed and emerging economies.
Stock Market Psychology: Key Things Every Trader Should Know
2022-12-01 20:00:24
Combining stock market psychology with a trading plan can help an investor or trader navigate in an uncertain landscape.
How Forex Traders Use ISM Data
2022-12-01 15:30:00
Forex traders closely watch ISM monthly manufacturing reports. Learn to trade using ISM data.
How To Trade Nickel: Top Nickel Trading Strategies and Tips
2022-11-03 10:28:47
Learn the fundamentals of nickel trading by first understanding the metal itself, its influencing economic factors and supply and demand.
How Cognitive Biases Can Affect Your Trading Performance
2022-11-02 09:31:34
There is a wide range of biases in our daily life that can cause us to see patterns that are not necessarily there and that may be costly for traders.

Economic Calendar

New Car Registrations YoY (Jun)
P: R: -2.9%
10-Year Bund Auction ()
P: R: 2.60%
Unemployment Rate (Jun)
P: R: 4%
Foreign Exchange Reserves (May)
P: R: $221B
Consumer Confidence (May)
P: R: 84.5
3-Month Bill Auction ()
P: R: 3.635%